4th Thatcham Scout Group is made up of 1 Scout Troop for children with additional needs. They meet at the Swings & Smiles, Lower Way, Thatcham, RG19 3RR.
If your child has additional needs and they fancy joining the scouting family, then make contact with one of the section leaders leaving your name, address and telephone number; we will then contact you directly.
Meeting times
Scouts – (10½ – 14 yrs old)
Alternate Wednesdays – 6.15pm – 7.15pm
How do you find us?
Swings & Smiles, Lower Way, Thatcham, RG19 3RR.
How to recognise us

Scouts wear distinctive scarves also known as a ‘neckers’. These help to differentiate one group from another. 4th Thatcham’s necker is purple with a gold and red trim.
Make a difference for local young people
We’re looking for people to help us in bringing amazing experiences to young people in our groups, It’s a great opportunity to join a friendly and social group of people, whether just as a one-off evening or on an ongoing basis. If you think you might like to get involved, then click the link to complete a short form and we’ll get in touch with you.