Taceham Hundred Explorer Units

Explorer Units are the fifth Section of the Scouting family after Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Explorer Scouts are young people aged between 14 and 18 years old.  

With the support, direction and guidance of Unit leaders, Explorer Scouts are encouraged to lead themselves, design their own programme and work towards the top awards that Scouting offers. With exciting prospects like being a part of camps and expeditions both home and abroad; adventurous activities such as mountaineering, parascending and off shore sailing; Explorers offers fun and adventure for all.

Taceham Hundred Explorer Scouts has 2 sections in the District; Titans & Apollo.

Titans meet on a Monday night at 1st Thatcham Scout Hut, Thackery Lane, Thatcham (opposite St Mary’s Church).

Apollo meet on a Thursday night at 1st Compton Scout Hut, Cheseridge Rd, Compton.

Explorers also have the opportunity to be a part of The Young Leaders’ Scheme which develops their leadership skills and sense of responsibility, by volunteering at the meetings for younger sections. We have a very successful young leader unit in Taceham Hundred with over 50 young leaders helping in other sections.

For more information, please contact Caroline Coopey youngleaders@tacehamhundred.org.uk

  Meeting times

    Titan Explorer Unit – (14 – 18 yrs old)

     Mondays – 8pm – 9.30pm

    Apollo Explorer Unit – (14 – 18 yrs old)

    Thursdays – 8.15pm – 9.45pm

How do you find us?

1st Thatcham Scout Hut, Thackery Lane, Thatcham & 1st Compton Scout Hut, Cheseridge Rd, Compton

  How to recognise us

Scouts wear distinctive scarves also known as a ‘neckers’. These help to differentiate one group from another. The Explorer necker is mostly black with a gold trim.

  Contact us

   Emma Pullinger – Explorer Scout Leader

     Register to join Explorers

  Make a difference for local young people

We’re looking for people to help us in bringing amazing experiences to young people in our groups, It’s a great opportunity to join a friendly and social group of people, whether just as a one-off evening or on an ongoing basis. If you think you might like to get involved, then click the link to complete a short form and we’ll get in touch with you.